Hello Wine Club Members! Thank you for all your support during the Covid-19 crisis. We appreciate your patronage! Fortunately, with your assistance we continue to employ all our staff and have even added a few members to our tasting room team.
The whole family has spruced things up and completed the changeover from Spindrift to Compton Family Wines. We have a new barrel stave fence out front and, if we do say so ourselves, it is a work of art. We have two new Compton signs and we have refaced the front of the building. We think you will love the changes. Coming soon (or maybe in place by the time you read this) we have a new outdoor seating area – you can choose to sit in the winery or in the great weather we have been having.
We have been working hard to make our winery safe for visitors and the tasting room is open – with clear guidelines in place. We are happy to go above and beyond these protocols to keep our community safe and healthy.
Tabitha and crew are still delivering wine locally free of charge on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
In the vineyards the vines are happily growing, all is good, with the vintage looking promising. And we are happy to continue to keep our full vineyard staff as well.
We hope to safely see you soon. Until then, Cheers and a happy and healthy summer to all.
Matt & Tabitha Compton